
Hi there! Here's the documentation for Mailhub, your future-favourite email API for your emails

What is Mailhub ?

Mailhub is an email API service that allows you to send emails easily and efficiently, with tools specifically designed to meet the needs of a development team.

Why use Mailhub ?

  • A simple API and clear, concise documentation!

  • Automatic conversion of Tailwind templates into email-compatible HTML.

  • A code editor for easy navigation through your files and folders

  • A tracking system to monitor the performance of your campaigns.

  • A multilanguage system for easy multilingual versions

  • And much more... (soon)

How does it work ?

Mailhub is, on one hand, a simple-to-use API for sending your emails. The API is essentially the same as for competing services such as Resend, Sendgrid, SES, etc. On the other hand, Mailhub is an interface that allows your team to edit, test, collaborate, track, and monitor your emails using various tools mentioned above.

Things to know

Template creation & modification

To make your e-mails more attractive, Mailhub has developed a solution for creating layouts using Tailwind.

Two types of layouts

Mailwind works with layouts & pages.

Both types can be used in the same way. The only difference is that layouts are "parent" to pages. So you can create the common structure for all your emails in a Layout and then use different templates for each specific email.

You can edit layouts via the code editor

Last updated